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OpenTransact vs PaySwarm part 2 - yes it's still mostly out of scope

Published January 2nd, 2012 edit replace rm!

The debate continues. Please read the first part of my response OpenTransact the Payment Standard where everything is out of scope first.

Manu wrote a new response which I will respond to in a separate blog post. First let me finish responding to the original

Generally this post will again reflect the differences in approaches. OpenTransact is a single layer simple pragmatic standard for performing payments nothing else. PaySwarm is a fully featured idealistic multi layered approach where you must buy into a whole different way running your business.

A Facebook friend suggested that OpenTransact vs PaySwarm is like Libertarianism vs Socialism. I don’t quite buy that in practice as I know that PaySwarm is not about forcing anyone to do anything.

However the basic PaySwarm philosophy of wanting to design a whole world view is very similar to central planning or large standards bodies like ANSI, IEEE etc. OpenTransact follows the market based approach that the internet was based on of small standards that do one thing well.

OpenTransact the payment standard where everything is out of scope

Published December 21st, 2011 edit replace rm!

The W3C Web Payments Community Group was launched in August 2011 because Digital Bazaar had created their PaySwarm spec. I have been working with several others since 2009 on bootstrapping an open grassroots created standard OpenTransact with pretty much the same purpose as PaySwarm. I immediately joined the W3C group to see if we could work together towards our obvious common goal.

Different philosophies

So while we both shared this common goal, the fundamental philosophies of PaySwarm and OpenTransact could not be more different.

PaySwarm attempts to solve every single problem up front and thus creates a standard that is very smart in many ways but also very complex. It’s background is I understand in a P2P media market place called Bitmunk where licenses, distribution contacts and other media DRM issues are considered important. Manu Sporny of Digital Bazaar has also been a chair of the RDFa working group so PaySwarm comes with a lot of linked data luggage as well.

OpenTransact comes from the philosophy that we don’t solve a problem until the problem exists and several people have real experiences solving it. I have also been very active in the OAuth community and believe there are many things both good and bad that can be learnt from that process and how developers took to it. OpenTransact also follows the tradition of early web standards of having most parameters as optional.

XAuth a useful service with a poor name

Published April 19th, 2010 edit replace rm!

The Authosphere is a buzz this morning with XAuth. My first instinct when I started seeing headlines about it was, yet another OAuth competitor?

It turns out it is nothing of the sort and it could turn out to be a very useful service. “Service” you say, isn’t it a standard? It really is a service and not a new authentication standard. But I’ll get to that.

What is it?

The way you can look at XAuth is that it is a cross domain cookie containing a list of services that you use.

What does it solve?

The problem that this aims to fix is really a UI one, not a security one. If you know the user already uses Google accounts and Meebo, there is no need to over clutter your user interface with login buttons to 40 different social networks.

It could work really well hand in hand with both OpenID and OAuth to minimize the user interface for connecting to them. OpenTransact also has potential uses for XAuth as it could be used on a payment form to filter the list of payment types a user uses.

So how does it work?

XAuth essentially defines 3 different parties to the flow:

  • Extenders are web services that a user is logged into that present some public API. These often have the same role as the OpenID providers and OAuth Providers.
  • Retrievers are web services that want to discover and consume one or more of the Extenders. In OpenID terms these are relying parties and in OAuth terms these are Consumers.
  • is the final party. All communication of XAuth happens through an iframe and javascript hosted here. This is just static hosting, all data is stored in the users browser.

How do I use it?

As a developer it is pretty easy to do. Most of the work is in the Javascript layer and there really is very little that needs to be done on the server backend side. As I understand more about the process I will update this page.

XAuth is implemented as a javascript library you import in your header:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

This script creates a hidden iframe on your page with the following page

Extender implementation

If you are an Extender, you extend your service by calling the XAuth.extend() function with a token. I would expect this to be done once a user logs in to the Extender service.

  token: "bb87aef641b8f29023a8c207f",
  expire: 1271773157402,
  extend: ["", "", "*"],
  callback: extendCallback

The token is a XAuth specific token, which I don’t completely understand yet. The demo code just generates a random token. Here is what the spec says:

this is the XAuth token, created specifically for use with XAuth and used by an auth extender to request additional services from the extender. This token will be stored with the canonical domain as the key.

My guess is that it should say:

this is the XAuth token, created specifically for use with XAuth and used by an auth Retriever to request additional services from the extender. This token will be stored with the canonical domain as the key.

The spec doesn’t mention more here but I imagine this could be used together with OAuth somehow for a really low permission OAuthToken. But lets see what implementers do with it.

The extend allows you to limit the token to only certain trusted domains. Use “*” to allow anyone access.

The optional callback method is called with the following data:

  "cmd": "xauth::extend",
  "id": 0

Once this has been called a record is created in the HTML5 Local Storage for the page:

If you are unfamiliar with HTML5 Local Storage, think of it as a more evolved form of cookies. Some people have called in browser based NoSQL.

As part of your logout code you should also call XAuth.expire(), which removes it from the list of tokens.

Retriever implementation

The retriever is also pretty simple to implement. You make the call to the XAuth.retrieve() function:

  retrieve: ["", "", ""],
  callback: retrieveCallback

You must list all the Extender domains you are interested in and the callback function is called with tokens for each of the available Extenders.

  "cmd": "xauth::retrieve",
  "id": 4,
  "tokens": {
    "": {
      "token": "bb87aef641b8f29023a8c207f",
      "expire": 1271773157402

Now remember XAuth doesn’t say what to do with this information. Everything from now follows the regular API’s you already use. I expect that this is initially going to be used to hide various openid login widgets in the beginning.

For an interactive spec/testing console go to the XAuth Specs page.

User privacy issues

So as a user how do you control this? Do I really want these sites to know what I use?

At the XAuth home page you will find this control panel:

It allows you to switch XAuth off completely and to see and manage the tokens Extenders are publishing for you.

Service or Standard

I guess it really doesn’t matter, but strictly speaking this is a service not a standard. It does rely on the XAuth server to provide js and the iframe page.

This is Discovery not Auth

I find probably the biggest issue with XAuth is the choice of name. XAuth is not an authentication protocol. I would call it a discovery protocol. It has more in common with WebFinger (again in a complimentary way) than with authentication protocols like OpenID and OAuth.

Having spent more than 2 years explaining to people that OAuth and OpenID are not the same, this just adds more confusion. Names are really important.

I also think the choice of Extenders and Retrievers is confusing. I think using Provider and Client would be clearer. Lets not invent more terminology if it isn’t necessary.


I think this could be really useful. It looks very easy to implement for both Extenders and Retrievers. The usage of HTML5 functions also hints at a bunch of new services that are now possible.

Of course with any of these kinds of services until there are Extenders out there, very few Retrievers are going to implement this. I understand that both Meebo and Google will support it.

As it is so easy to implement, it might not hurt at all for smaller startups to implement Extenders. It could be a way to promote your API.

How OAuth beat Chip and Pin

Published February 12th, 2010 edit replace rm!

2 news stories on the same day are quite interesting in their contrast.

Pin and Chip is broken

The first one has the collective might and minds of the European banking system and their suppliers who overlooked a slight issue in their authentication protocol for authenticating Chip cards with a pin number. In Europe most Visa/MC cards are smart cards and have to be authenticated with a pin. This in theory allows for an authenticated payment message.

Only problem was that, well one very important bit of the message was not authenticated leaving a gaping hole. I won’t go into the details as well as Ross Anderson does. He is one of the security researchers who discovered the flaw. Unfortunately it sounds like carders discovered it before them.

Now what to do with these supposedly safe authenticated transactions? There is no way of knowing which ones were fake. You can’t mass revoke all european cards. Some one is in a bit of a bind right now.

Grader’s security screw up

The second story was about HubSpot a Cambridge, Mass. based startup who self admittedly screwed up and let a malicious user comprise the security of their Grader service a rating service for twitter users.

Granted we are not talking about a system that handles the majority of Europe’s electronic point of sales transactions here. But they know they screwed up. However due to the fact that Grader used OAuth they were able to mitigate any damage pretty quickly by asking Twitter to revoke their Consumer credentials and any tokens they had issued to it.


The difference is that while both Chip and Pin and OAuth are ways of doing delegated authentication, the only token to revoke in the Chip and Pin scheme is in the card itself. The standards behind Chip and Pin assumes that it’s technology is perfect and through their rule books that all parties involved along the long chain from the card to the issuing bank can automatically be trusted.

This is basically the exact issue I described in The sorry state of Payment Standards.

OAuth does not define how a user authenticates himself to either of the services involved, rather it is focused on the delegation.

The delegation is done in the form of an authorized token that can be equipped with limits and can at any time be revoked. It is under the control of the user. In this case Grader themselves request the revocation as they knew that all of their credentials were compromised. Where do the European bankers even start to clean up this mess?

I think OAuth a simple (as authentication standards go) standard developed on a mailing list by a small group of developers has incredible potential in payments applications. This is of course why we picked it as one of the fundamental building blocks for OpenTransact.

Is OAuth perfect? Probably not. Nothing is 100% secure. It has had one serious security flaw which was fixed. But by design it is revokable. You can do something about it if something goes wrong. There is now an IETF OAuth Working Group working on making it an official internet standard.

Portable Contacts in Ruby

Published October 6th, 2009 edit replace rm!

One of the great new standards made possible by OAuth is PortableContacts. Joseph Smarr from Plaxo is the main force behind it together with Chris Messina and others.

Portable Contacts as the name suggests is a standard for allowing one application access to your contact data on another application. The standard is a nice example of a very clean API which supports both JSON and XML.

I was looking around and I couldn’t find a Ruby library for it, so I wrote this simple Portable Contacts Ruby Gem to allow me and others to use it.

It requires OAuth and the Ruby OAuth Gem. If you need to use it with a Rails application use the OAuth Plugin if using straight Ruby use the Ruby Gem. All you need is an AccessToken object and a Portable Contacts URL to get started.

@access_token = ... # instantiate access token
@client = "", @access_token

# Get users profile

@profile =

puts @profile.display_name
=> "Bob Sample"

# Get users contacts
@contacts = @client.all

If you are using the plugin it is very easy to get started accessing Google.

Just install it and configure it. Once you have a GoogleToken for your user:

@client = @google_token.portable_contacts

# Get users profile

@profile =

puts @profile.display_name
=> "Bob Sample"

# Get users contacts
@contacts = @client.all

As this is the very first version there are likely to be issues, please do submit patches. I would also love to include a PlaxoToken etc for the OAuth Plugin if someone wants to submit one.


Eventually there will be some sort of auto discovery so you don’t need to provide a Portable Contacts url.

I would also like to add a server component to the gem, making it easy for you to provide portable contacts for your own application.

About me

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My name is Pelle Braendgaard. Pronounce it like Pelé the footballer (no relation). CEO of Notabene where we are building FATF Crypto Travel Rule compliance software.

Most new articles by me are posted on our blog about Crypto markets, regulation and compliance

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