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Living it up on the cheap in Denmark

Published April 15th, 2008 edit replace rm!

As I’m currently in Denmark for a while I’ve had to with even worse prices of groceries than normal due to the apparent sickness of my good old US$. I thought I might as well write a little guide for how you can save a krone or two if you are staying in Denmark for an extended time.

Copenhagen is normally rated ad one of the 3 most expensive cities in the world, but you can get buy reasonable if you know how.

My Bootstrappers guide for Denmark has become very popular with foreigners trying to grasp the red tape involved with running a business here, so hopefully this might be a fun little guide, whether you’re coming for a week or staying on permanently.

Why globalization won't make everything the same

Published September 18th, 2007 edit replace rm!

I had an great discussion the other day with a family member who argued that one of the problems with globalization was that in the end everything will be the same no matter where you go – the same food and the same music. Obviously if this were to be the case it would suck. I mean that would take all the fun out of travelling and rid everyone of their own culture and heritage etc. So I’m sorry I’ve got yet another long rant coming.

Danish/Argentinian cheese

However if we take the examples of food and music (both things I love dearly) I doubt very much that this is what we will see. Undoubtedly we will see greater changes coming around quicker than before, however the world has had several period of rapid globalization before. Just think of the Spanish conquest of the Americas, the Ottoman empire, the British empire etc. On the right hand we have a product of large scale Danish emigration to Argentina about 100 years ago.

I think the real danger is when you sit in one place of the world and view the changes to the world you are rally by definition viewing them from your point of view. For example if I’m sitting in California, I might see the world is changing with pure American brands and media taking over the world. What is more difficult to see is the way each culture adapts, absorbs and changes each new import to create a new micro fusion, whether it be music, food, web sites or TV. The same is happening all over the world as it always has happened in the past.

The problem with this fixed point of view is that while I might see influence of Chinese, Mexican, Indian or Italian food in my neighborhood, I might not realize that what I’m seeing here is NOT pure Chinese, Mexican, Indian or Italian food, but rather Chinese/Californian, Mexican/Californian, Indian/Californian and Italian/Californian micro fusions. The same is true in every single other country and locality in the world.

In defence of imperial units

Published August 28th, 2007 edit replace rm!

The imperial units such as pounds, inches and feet have been receiving a fair about of criticisms and ridicule in the blogosphere recently (of course I can’t find the posts I’ve stumbled upon recently). Around learned people and in international crowds this is bound to happen fairly often. Of course the battle has been going on for centuries.

As someone who grew up in Denmark with the metric system yet also grew up making pancakes from recipes in the Joy of Cooking I am fairly used to both systems and would like to take a bit of a contrarian defense of Imperial Units..

Let me first state that I like both systems of units and both have their uses. Also contrary to the argumentation of many European’s you are not stupid if you don’t understand metric, nor the other way around.

So the big advantage of the metric system is that it is easy to convert say from centimeters to meters to kilometers by cutting or adding 0’s off the end of a number. There in lies it’s genius.

Many people also add that the metric system is based on real verifiable physical properties such as the distance travelled by light in an absolute vacuum during 1/299,792,458 of a second. I would like to say that this is about as useless and arbitrary in daily life that seriously, who cares? Scientists and engineers do of course, but in daily use no one else.

So I’d say conversion and international standards are the most important aspects of metric units. However the fact that all units are based of decimal multiples of each other in some form or the other, is also the cause of the largest usability problem with it.

The metric system was originally developed by scientists during the enlightenment, but became the political tool it is today as part of the French revolution, yes it was brought to you by the good folks who also brought you the guillotine. Thus it was imposed on people from above to better their lives. This is also what has happened every other country in the world except it appears the US, Liberia and Myanmar (metrics that is, not the guillotine):

While standardized differently various parts of the world the Imperial Units essentially evolved organically over thousands of years by people. While prior to standardization not very precise measures were possible, they were all based on real world reference points that gave you an idea of their uses.

Thus a foot is well the length of a human foot. Miles come from the latin word for thousand and basically means 1000 paces and goes back to the roman days. A cup, is well a cup. An inch is a thumb length.

Most of the old units are gone now, but the most useful ones are still with us. Why? Well because they reflect useful sizes in daily use. So if you take a moment and look at it from a usability dimension like most of us web application designers like to think we can do.

A cup or a foot or a pound might just be more usable during actual daily use. Lets think about it. For measuring the length of something smallish like a notebook 15 inches just seems easier to relate to than 38 cm. I’m sure a psychologist could explain it better.

When measuring a room feet just seems an easier unit to eyeball. I could eyeball meters but not as exactly as with feet. The keyword here is eyeballing. Anything that can be eyeballed more or less might be easier to use with imperial units.

Cups and pounds relate much better to real portion sizes in a traditional home kitchen. Almost all recipe’s call for a pound of meat as it’s a kind of natural portion amount of meat to cook with. The same with cups of liquid. It’s way more natural to use a cup of liquid as the base of a recipe than deciliters.

That is the beauty of the imperial system is that because they were evolved and not specified they are naturally easier for us to relate to. In other words for the uses they were originally designed they are more usable.

However the needs of engineers, scientists and 7th grade maths students are very different. It is obviously a lot easier when you are trying to understand or change the world to have a common frame of reference and easy conversions. For them the metric system is great.

Everyone says the US is not metric. What that means is that the US hasn’t invented a law yet to say that we’re metric. This is all it means. For all intents and purposes the Americans who need to be metric are metric. Scientist, engineers, big business and designers already metric.Why? Because it makes sense for them in their trades. Almost all grocery’s also have metric units listed on the packaging.

Why do ordinary people have to be forced into using metrics in their kitchen or measuring their living room prior to going to Ikea? The answer is they don’t. The metrification map
I linked to above shows pretty much a metric world. But what it doesn’t tell you is what people still use in daily use.

England is listed as being metric. That is a joke. Everyone in England thinks in pounds, stones (yes stones), miles and feet. Panama is listed as being metric since the 20s. But if you go to the meat counter in the super market and order “medio kilo de carne molida” you will receive blank stares (and possibly a “gringo loco” under the breath). They use pounds, inches etc just like the US.

Obviously there are lots of countries that are metric, such as Denmark, Germany and Franche. But even highly metric Denmark still has remnants of it’s evolved units that stubbornly refuses to die purely for reasons of usability. Recipe’s don’t talk about using 15 milliliter’s worth of sugar but 1 tablespoon.

I’m sure every country has still got their own traditionally evolved units in use in the markets, kitchen or even hidden in standardized portion size.

What about web developers. It’s generally recommended that we use a combination of evolved units such as em’s and points as it is designed to be usable and adaptive for humans. Pixel’s while more natural to us engineers are not quite as useful for our endusers with different screens, computers and vision.

By their very nature I am also guessing that evolved units such as feet and cups grew as people grew and became healthier over the centuries. And why not? As appetites grew the cup size grew, but the recipes stayed the same. It makes a lot of sense to measure your living space based on your actual foot size than some standardized version of a foot, as you are the one who is going to be living there.

So please, all I’m asking is less of the ridiculous flame war thats been going on the last century between metric and imperial. Both are good for their particular purposes.

Yes a generation trained to think metrically won’t normally have that much a problem dealing with it, but training is not the be all and end all of this. I’ve spent years programming in the rigid standardized world of Java, but I now prefer the far more flexible Ruby language as it’s more usable to me. I can relate to it better. Unit’s should be all about choosing the best tool for you for the task at hand.

Silicon Vikings talk on Danish Entrepreneurship

Published July 1st, 2007 edit replace rm!

The other day I went to a lunch with the Silicon Vikings who are an association of Scandinavian’s and interested parties who meet up once a month to network and talk about specific issues. If you are Scandinavian and in the Bay area you should go, it is definitely and interesting crowd of Scandinavian’s who now call the Bay Area home.

The lunch meeting I went to was called SV Lunch: Best Practices in Support of Inbound Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. The talk was given by Marianne of Innovation Center Denmark in Palo Alto.

Their job is to advise Danish entrepreneurs moving into the valley for both funding and market reasons in how to do so. However they also have a secondary function of advising various agencies in Denmark on getting more like Silicon Valley.

More hints and a call to arms for geeks and startups everywhere

Published January 17th, 2007 edit replace rm!

Unfortunately we still can’t quite tell you 100% of what we are doing, but we are pretty much spelling the beans here on our overall goal:

A global virtual shanty town of geeks

Our goal is not just isolated about us either. I really think us entrepreneurs and geeks play an important role in the future in more ways than you might think. Again read the post for more.

About me

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My name is Pelle Braendgaard. Pronounce it like Pelé the footballer (no relation). CEO of Notabene where we are building FATF Crypto Travel Rule compliance software.

Most new articles by me are posted on our blog about Crypto markets, regulation and compliance

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