Embedding time certificates in blog posts
Published April 19th, 2006 edit replace rm!
One of the applications I had in mind for TimeCert was 3rd party timestamping of blog posts.
I have updated the TimeCert code to make it easier to do so.
For example see the time stamp below this post. This is an embedded timestamp that should currently be relatively easy to integrate by programmers in their blogs.
I am working on some tools to make it easy to integrate for non programmers as well.
In the mean time what you need to do is simply create a SHA1 digest of your blog post. There after insert that into the snippet found at the TimeCert home page.
In this blog, which uses Typo I added the following to the ApplicationHelper:
# put this next line at the top of application_helper.rb
require 'digest/sha1'
# and the rest within the module
def digest_for(data)
def timecert_iframe(data)
%{<iframe height="16px" frameborder="0" scrolling="0"
src="http://timecert.org/#{digest_for data}.iframe" width="100%"></iframe><br/>}
My rubyforge project is up now, so I will be uploading my client libraries in both Ruby and Java within the next day or two.