Eran's great example of how to do a financial model

Published November 7th, 2007 edit replace rm!

Eran of OAuth fame has published his financial models for his previous business model for Nouncer.

I’d like to thank him for this as it’s something that people normally don’t publish, so you sometimes get a feeling that you’re working in the dark. He’s changed his business model considerably now so he’s happy to publish it.

The structure is surprisingly similar to what we have, with a few differences though. Anyway go check it out if you’re struggling with your own. It’s a great tool to have.


Eran Hammer-Lahav November 8th, 2007

Thanks Pelle! When I was working on the model, I had a sample model from a friend and having a point of reference was extremely helpful. I do not have business training and never create one before. So I figured it might be helpful to others to see what a model looks like and realize it is really not that complicated. Assuming you understand your business plan of course…

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My name is Pelle Braendgaard. Pronounce it like Pelé the footballer (no relation). CEO of Notabene where we are building FATF Crypto Travel Rule compliance software.

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