November meetup at Copenhagen.rb

Published November 5th, 2006 edit replace rm!

A slightly belated report from the November Copenhagen.rb meeting. It was a lot smaller turnout than last time but pretty damn interesting none the less.

Casper Fabricius asking how to sell Rails to the enterprise

First Casper Fabricius asked the question “How do you teach the sellers to sell Rails to our Enterprise clients?”.

Together we worked out a series of bullet points he could use with his own sellers. I hope he posts it as it would definitely be useful all around.

We also got into a pretty lively discussion concerning this. I think most of us agree that hourly pricing is not really the correct business model for Agile Ruby on Rails applications as I wrote last year in Agile Consulting.

Thomas Watson demonstrating UJS

Then Thomas Watson gave a demonstration of UJS – Unobtrusive JavaScript, which is a new rails plugin aiming to improve the accessibility and cleanliness of your rails app’s html by separating the JavaScript behaviours out of the page.

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My name is Pelle Braendgaard. Pronounce it like Pelé the footballer (no relation). CEO of Notabene where we are building FATF Crypto Travel Rule compliance software.

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